SCAD Sidewalk Chalk Festival

This past Saturday we went to Forsyth Park to the Sidewalk Chalk Arts Festival put on by SCAD. They did an awesome job! This year was year #35 for them, but our first time to go. We will be back! There were lines & lines of sidewalks decorated all through out the park.


They had more than just sidewalk art-lots & lots of activities for the kids.

PicMonkey Collagescadsidewak

Crista, Addie Grace & Annabelle got to travel around the whole in 80 days & got their passport stamped, jumped on bounce houses(there were about 10 different kinds to choose from) and rock in a GIANT 2 sided rocking chair.


We took our lunch & had a picnic in the park &  later in the afternoon we got a treat from Leopolds ice cream. It was our 1st time to have their ice cream & it was oh so yummy!

IMG_5061This one was my favorite

IMG_5056but here are a few more we liked too:

IMG_5034 IMG_5052 IMG_5055 IMG_5058 IMG_5059I also found the perfect spot for a photo shoot! I can’t wait to take my soon to be 4 year old back & take her picture.


Favorite Foto Friday-Flashback style!

April 25, 2013

If I can remember correctly these selfies were taken after a call from Tommy saying “I will be home in a few, meet me outside. Let’s go to dinner!”


IMG_2035 IMG_2036Happy Friday!

Check out Melinda’s blog for her FFF

He is Risen!

Happy Easter from the Randall family! Our Easter celebrations started on April 12th with SUMC’s egg hunt.

IMG_4826 IMG_4848 IMG_4855Then we had a Toddler Tuesday Easter Egg Hunt. It rained & we had to do it indoors.

IMG_4879IMG_4880She has had some of the funniest faces lately. Who knew that opening an egg was such had work.

The very next day we had her Easter party at school.

IMG_4911Spring Break started after her Easter Party & on Friday we went to the mall with our neighbors to have a picture made with the Easter Bunny

IMG_4940 IMG_4945We got up really early on Easter morning to get ready for church. Annabelle ate her 1st chocolate bunny(just the ears-she still has the rest left)

IMG_4969 DSC_0253We celebrated our RISEN Savior at church. We had these yummy treats for our Sunday School class(note to self buy more doughnuts next time 5th & 6th grades love Krispy Kreme!)

IMG_5014We drove 2 1/2 hrs to Nana & P-Pa’s for lunch & another Egg Hunt with the cousins

DSC_0286 DSC_0303Eli (4) Peyton (6) Annbelle (13 days shy of 4) Paisley is still too little to hunt eggs-she will be big enough next year! If you found an egg with your name on it, you got a GRAND prize! (they all 3 got fishing poles)

Very rarely do we ever have a family picture & I am sad that we did not get one yesterday. Here are a few of my favorites from before church:

IMG_4984 IMG_4993 IMG_4997We are tired today from all our Easter celebrations. Christ is Risen! I hope you will continue to celebrate our Risen Lord all year long.



It is time again for Favorite Foto Friday! I have not done a lot of picture taking this week-boo! I have a few great ideas for some spring pictures for Annabelle. I hope I can pull them off!


Last Thursday we loaded up our car with some friends & went to Hodges Strawberry Farm. We have been picking here since Annabelle was still in a baby carrier.

I will let the pictures do the talking.

DSC_0470Annabelle, Addie, Crista & Coral (it was so hard for me to get a good picture of all 4) This was as good as it gets.

DSC_0471A fake smile but I will take it!

DSC_0473About 8lbs of berries Annabelle & I picked! They were oh so good. We will be going back really soon!

DSC_0475and this picture would be my favorite! I just love her expression here! Strawberries are her favorite fruit and she ate her fair share!


Happy Friday!

to check out Melinda’s FFF click here

We call her Rainey

About 2 weeks ago, P-Pa added a new animal at the farm. He sent us a picture & told Annabelle she could name her. After a lot of thought, she came up with Rainey!

IMG_4728The last Sunday in March we went to meet her & take her some treats. Rainey is 8 years old & she is a rescue horse. Her owners did not treat her very nice & beat her in the face. She has been living with another family for about a year now, but she still will not let anyone touch her.

IMG_4731She will eat out of our hands & we can not wait till we can love on her! Annabelle really wants to brush her.


Rainey seems to like all the chickens & dogs. We watched her show off a little to the neighbors horses, Wilbur & Bella (that’s what Annabelle calls them even though they are both boys) Rainey enjoyed the apple slices we brought her but did not car too much for our carrots. Lucky & Joe did not mind and ate them up. I have never seen dogs eat carrots before-strange.

We helped P-Pa put the tin on the roof for her shelter. That tin was really heavy!

P-Pa also has 25 bittys! They are so so cute! We just love the baby chicks!IMG_4750

With new bittys & a new horse I bet we will be spending a lot more time at the farm 🙂

Around here

As I mentioned in my last post, we have been busy-busy around here. Busy in a good way, enjoying all the things that are keeping us busy.

Our church’s Easter Egg Hunt is next weekend. (I am the Special Events Coordinator for the children’s events) So, Annabelle & I have been busy planning an Egg Hunt! I am really looking forward to Saturday!


We have been collecting eggs, filling eggs & counting eggs.

IMG_4679IMG_4686Annabelle likes to help fill the eggs because the candy you put in the egg should match the egg. After a few dozen eggs I was able to help her mix colors. If you are at our Egg Hunt & get a blue egg with blue candy-it is probably an Annabelle stuffed egg 🙂


This week I am hoping to collect 500+ more eggs so that we will have just as many as we had last year.

Happy Egg Hunting!

fAvOrItE fOtO fRiDay

This week I ended up taking lots of good pictures. That means a few more post in the making 🙂


This is my proudest moment of the week.

IMG_4762Tuesday morning Annabelle called for me to come look at her picture. She spelled her daddy’s name all by herself. She did not even ask how to spell it! Her Y is sideways…but who cares?! Not this momma.

Click HERE to see Melinda’s FFF. She take awesome pictures!


Growing too fast

In one month from today, my baby girl will be 4.

I. can. not. believe. it!

Last weekend we saw her MaMa & PaPa (Tommy’s grandparents) they insisted on giving her birthday gift early. They gave her a card with cash moneies (as Annabelle says) and a few new coloring books for her birthday.

This morning I let her spend some of it.

IMG_4774IMG_4775“momma, it’s so fun to pay for things with my own cash monies!”


The whole way home, she talked about putting on her new bathing suit & her new swim goggles & that is what she did!
