We call her Rainey

About 2 weeks ago, P-Pa added a new animal at the farm. He sent us a picture & told Annabelle she could name her. After a lot of thought, she came up with Rainey!

IMG_4728The last Sunday in March we went to meet her & take her some treats. Rainey is 8 years old & she is a rescue horse. Her owners did not treat her very nice & beat her in the face. She has been living with another family for about a year now, but she still will not let anyone touch her.

IMG_4731She will eat out of our hands & we can not wait till we can love on her! Annabelle really wants to brush her.


Rainey seems to like all the chickens & dogs. We watched her show off a little to the neighbors horses, Wilbur & Bella (that’s what Annabelle calls them even though they are both boys) Rainey enjoyed the apple slices we brought her but did not car too much for our carrots. Lucky & Joe did not mind and ate them up. I have never seen dogs eat carrots before-strange.

We helped P-Pa put the tin on the roof for her shelter. That tin was really heavy!

P-Pa also has 25 bittys! They are so so cute! We just love the baby chicks!IMG_4750

With new bittys & a new horse I bet we will be spending a lot more time at the farm 🙂