I am ashamed to say,

I have been a lazy blogger. It has been a while since I last loged & and attempted to write anything. In our house we have been kind of busy with just everyday things. Not a lot of excitement to report. If you can bare with me, I am going to try & catch up for the last month.

 We have been to Birthday Parties, celebrated Happy Heart Day, aka Valentines ( I have said Happy Heart Day for as long as I can remember & think it is super cute) Tommy & I went away for the weekend with some freinds, had a good 9 month check up, went to the lake & had dinner with the Davis Family in Hilton Head. Since there is so much to catch up on I will just do a slide show of pictures at the end.

Peyotn & Eli’s Party’s were the first thing I have not reported on. Peyotn turned 3 & had a mermaid themed party & Eli celebrated his 1st Birthday with an Owl theme. Look whooo’s turning 1!

On Happy Heart day, we had 2 special visitors, my mom & little brother Patrick. I made lasagne for dinner & cupcakes for us & our neighbors.

Tommy & Nicole both have had some very stressful weeks at work lately & needed a break. We got babysitters & we all went to Orlando for the weekend. We spent all day Saturday at Universal Studios, & Islands of Adventures. We even saw some friends from Augusta while there.  On the way home we stopped at the outlets & had a fun time shopping. There are so many stores there I think it is impossible to shop all in 1 day. ( I took my old camera the one that decides when it wants to work) & would’nt you guess, it did not want to work. So I have no pictures of our fun grown up getaway.

We visited Nana & P-Paw at the Lake to see their new bathroom. It looks very nice. P-Paw did a wonderful job. It would not be a trip to the lake if Josh, Erin, Peyton & Eli did not pop in. Annabelle enjoying playing with her cousins.

We left the lake & headed into Augusta to visit with my MawMaw & PawPaw. We have not seen them since Christmas.

At the end of the month we aslo ate dinner with the Davis Family while they were on vacation in Hilton Head. It is nice that so many people vacation there & that we get to see them when they do. If you are ever there give us a call & we will come meet you.

Hope you enjoy the slide show of our month in pictures, I promise to be a better Blogger in March! 🙂

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February is….

most people would probably say Valentine’s right?!

in our house it is the month for birthdays. I always   knew that we had alot of birthday’s in February & in August but until I actually wrote them down, February takes the cake!

to start our month off,

Feb. 1st

Noah my Cousin who turned 14.


Eli, my nephew who had his 1st Birthday.

Then Feb. 4th:



Erin, my sister in law (sorry this pic is kinda old but I don’t have any recent ones of you looking at the camera)

Feb. 6th (the busiest Birthday Day)

My PawPaw Jack. (I love & miss him so much)

My Uncle BB

My middle Brother Christopher.


My friend Neely.

Feb. 8th

My niece Peyton.

Feb. 12th

My second momma

Feb. 15th

My cousin Jamey

and to end the month,

Feb. 24th

our neighbor David who will be 15 & driving soon, how scary! LOL

If you have a Feb. Birthday & I forgot to add you, I am terribly sorry. Let me know & I will add you in .

 Do you have lots of Birthdays in February or is there a heavier birthday month for you?


Happy Birthday Spot Dawg!

Today is my sweet spots dawg (Chloe’s) 9th Birthday. It is not likely that she will read this post (LOL) but would like to give her a big birthday shout out! WE LOVE YOU SPOT! Hope you have the best birthday ever! I am sure she has had a pretty good day so far, she chased a cat up a tree & has already eaten steak scraps for lunch. Enjoy the slide show thru the years of my spot dawgs life.

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So instead of being a productive memeber of my household & do chores like I should have been while Annabelle was napping, I went through a lot of old pictures. It was funny to see how much people have changed in a few years. For example, my brothers both look so young;  not that they are very old now, they are still my baby brothers 😉

Where does the time go?!

Today our sweet little girl is 9 months old! She is growing taller & taller everyday. She does not feel much heavier than the day we brought her home & the only reason she has to move a size up in her clothes is because her arms & legs are too long for the size she should still be in. She is such a sweet little girl &we are so blessed that we get to watch her grow up.

The last couple of days have been in the 70’s & sunny, but not today, it has been cold & rainy. I took these pictures a few days ago while enjoying the warmer weather.

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Yippee for Punxsutawney Phil!

I was happy to check this morning to see that our friend (he is my very dear friend today)  Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this mornig & spring is near! There is just something so neat about this Ground Hog tradition, I wonder how true his predictions are?! This year I hope he is right, & I plan to remember for next year. Did you know that 2007 was the last time he did not see his shadow?                                   Photo borrowed from www.groundhog.org

                          (I learned a lot of neat/random things from this webiste)

If you can’t tell, I am very ready for Spring!  Spring to me is a fresh start, a new season & I have a feeling that God has big plans for us this Spring.  I can’t wait to find out what they are. Hope everyone is having a great day & celebrates for an early Spring!